
School follows the syllabus and guidelines laid down by NCERT.

Pre-School (Classes I-V):

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Mathematics
  • Environmental Studies
  • Computer Science (for Classes I to V)
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Drawing & Painting
  • Recitation

Middle School (Classes VI-VIII):

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Sanskrit
  • Mathematics
  • General Science
  • Social Science
  • Computer Science
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Drawing & Painting
  • Health and Physical Education

Higher Secondary: (Classes IX and X)

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • Art Education
  • Music (Vocal / Instrumental)
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Computer Science

Senior Secondary (Class XI and XII)

  • English Core
  • Hindi Core
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Music (Vocal / Instrumental)
  • Health and Physical Education
  • History
  • Political Science
  • Geograhy
  • Economics
  • Accountancy
  • Bussines Studies
  • Painting